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For your convenience, add a favorite/Bookmark to your browser to this Amazon link and then whenever you go there to buy something, I get the referral commission. This does not effect the price you pay, so if you sometimes buy from Amazon anyway, why not let me get the commission.

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Also, if you are over 18 and want more free gay videos, click here. If you are under 18, click here.

Tuesday, October 2, 2007

Over 10,000 hits!

Wow! Over 10,000 hits on my blog!


And yet ... not even one person has placed an order for something at I guess my hopes of making a few dollars commission for my effort was a pipe-dream.

Never mind, I will still try to keep adding more content.


Anonymous said...

I love you pictures and vids, but I dont want to buy a ipod or a gay movie.

meboilover said...

You don't have to buy something specifically displayed on my site. You can get anything from Amazon. As long as you get to from any of my links or from the search box, the referral commission will go to me.

You can also click on my link that saves a bookmark/favorite in your browser. Then at any time, you can go to Amazon and the referral commission still goes to me.

meboilover said...

Well, my whining paid off. Someone just ordered two books. Thank you!